Frequently Asked Questions:

I've heard polycarbonate #7 might not be the best material for water storage?

Short term storage (less then 3 months) at room temperatures dose not cause detectable leaching of the xenoestrogen BPA. Nor is leaching a problem as PC #7 is warmed for short periods of typical use. Do not put boiling water in PC #7 to aviod BPA leaching. Here is a balanced look at the BPA issue: Scientific America


Do you have BPA free bottles?

Yes we have an assortment of bottle sizes made out of BPA free plastic, stainless steel and glass. 


Do you have distilled water?

No. Our unique process produces a water which is equivalent in absolute purity yet superior in quality to distilled water.

How does Water Street Station water differ from distilled water?

In several Important ways. In addition to changing out water with purified oxygen (03), The Water Street Station process retains and concentrates all dissolved oxygen that is initially present in our source water. This is in contrast to distilled water, which loses all dissolved oxygen through the process of boiling and condensation.

The Water Street Station process yields a product both lively in mouth feel and superior in aesthetic appeal to distilled water.

The Water Street Station process removes virtually all minerals and other impurities.

Our independently certified quality analysis can prove this. Any reputable competitor will provide such information.


Do I need fluoride in my water?

Research has shown that a concentration of 1.4 to 2.4 parts per million of fluoride in drinking water reduces tooth decay. Authorities Generally agree: (1) where concentrations are greater, it should be removed from water; (2) where concentrations are less, fluorides should be added.

Adults do not need to drink fluoridated water. A fluoridated toothpaste is sufficient to prevent tooth decay. Young children may benefit from drinking fluoridated water.

There is also speculation concerning fluoride as a link in later stage adult illnesses. Several countries have banned the use of fluoride in public water because it increases the absorption and retention of aluminum, which is a suspected link to alzheimer's disease.

The Water Street Station method removes all fluorides. Your Doctor or Dentist can Prescribe a fluoride additive for young children if needed.


What does sodium free mean, my doctor said I need a sodium free diet, can I drink your water?

The United States Food and Drug Administration defines as "sodium-free" any water containing less than five milligrams per liter of sodium. Water Street Station water is sodium free all intents and purposes.

Do I need minerals in my water?

One widely held belief is that pure water (without any mineral content) is unhealthy. The concern underlying this belief is the idea that pure water will somehow "leach" minerals from the body, deleting nutrient reserves.

Minerals that the body "wants" to retain are held within bones, tissues, and cells as parts of larger biochemical molecules. Pure water entering the gut cannot simply wash them away. Electrolyte minerals such as sodium, potassium, and other chloride salts are the least bound to tissues and are subject to deletion from sweating, reverse peristalsis, and diarrhea. Such losses do not occur from ingesting pure water.

Other minerals serve a variety of functions as, for example, protein structural members, components of enzymes, and constituents of hemoglobin and bone matrices. These functions require that the minerals be structurally integrated in a way so as not to be carried off by a passing molecule of water.

In fact, special agents (chelating agents) are required to dislodge toxic minerals from the tissues in which they are imbedded.

While no scientific work has proved or disproved the theories regarding the supposed mineral "leaching" of pure water, many studies have shown that other beverage choices can indeed contribute to mineral loss and deficiency.

But doesn't my body get minerals from water that I drink?

No, for several reasons.

One is simply that it would take the consumption of thousands of cups of water daily to approach a fraction of the recommended daily allowance of nutrient minerals.

Another reason is that most minerals in water are present in such a form as to not be readily absorbed by the body.

I see that you have some minerals present in your water analysis.

Where do they come from?

The copper and zinc, which are present in trace amounts, come from the dispensing nozzles themselves.

The presence of sodium in the amount of one MG/L is a result of our ion exchange process.


Will your water cause mineral build up in my aquarium, humidifier, fountain, etc. ?

No. The trace minerals in our water do not contribute to build up of mineral scale.

How much water is "enough" each day?

A good rule of thumb for average activity levels and climate, that also takes into account body weight: Drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid  ounces. Ex, a 200 lb person should drink approximately 100 fluid ounces each day.


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